Smart Money – Current Data

Product Details:

This product presents daily and historical aggregate buying and selling volumes of institutional bodies (pension / insurance / provident funds), mutual funds (excluding ETFs), ETFs, portfolio managers, nostro, TASE members, and foreign residents in all traded securities. With this data, you can learn about market trends and gain insights into the nature of the activity of some of the main players in all securities traded on the TASE. The data includes aggregate transactions in units and in monetary value. The product displays information solely for the seven preceding trading days.
This product is for:
– Trading rooms
– Research departments
– Financial and capital market analysts
– Academic researchers
– Public companies that want to monitor the transactions of institutional bodies and mutual funds in their securities.

Monthly subscriber price

עד 5 קריאות לארבעה שבועות
372.06 ILS Included VAT
83.5 USD (For Foreign clients)
1,113.84 ILS Included VAT
250 USD (For Foreign clients)
3,341.52 ILS Included VAT
750 USD (For Foreign clients)
1,670.76 ILS Included VAT
375 USD (For Foreign clients)
* A private client with less than 7 employees may purchase a Private Client plan.
** Includes solely the display of daily data for shares included in the TA-125 Index and bonds included in the Tel Bond-60 Index.
** Includes solely the display of daily data for shares included in the TA-35 Index and bonds included in the Tel Bond-20 Index.

Data Fields

The following interfaces can be found in the product:


The product is updated daily at 24:00 Israel time. The data is for the end of the trading day.
Following is a link to the TASE trading schedule
The product includes daily and historical end-of-day data of the securities traded in the TACT (Tel-Aviv Continuous Trading) system including: buying and selling in currency and units by institutional bodies and mutual funds.

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Contact us

For additional information about TASE’s API products, contact TASE data team.

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